The Prisca Theologia of Marsilio Ficino
According to Marsilio Ficino the Prisca Theologia (Ancient Theology) eventually split off to become the three philosophies of the ancient world, and one for each of the three continents. Orpheus was the founder of the European Mysteries and his beliefs were later carried down in the beliefs of the Pythagoreans and later the Platonists. Zoroaster (the author of the Chaldean Oracles) was the founder of the mysteries of the Orient and of Asia. Then for Africa Hermes Trismegistus was the founder of the Egyptian Mysteries. These three systems later became codified as one system again under the work of the Neoplatonists like Iamblichus, Syrianus, and Proclus and were later revived as being seen as one system under Italos, Psellos, and Pletho. Pletho being the one from whom Ficino had contact and help in establishing this school of thought in the heart of Western Europe during the Renaissance.